
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

September 2013 Plans

Well, it's been tough. And long, and hectic. But I'm done. I have successfully planned through the end of September. So far I kind of like planning in month long blocks of time, rather than week long blocks. It's helping me to look at the big picture, to see how one theme flows into the next, and it's giving me an idea of the materials and resources I'll need in the coming weeks. 

Each week I'll have to fill out a few things (like which stories we'll be reading or what kind of snack Daniel will help make). However, I wanted to go ahead and get these plans posted so that you guys can take a look at what we'll be up to in the coming month. 

Before you get to see those plans, though, I wanted to note a couple of things.

1. I am leaving the mornings WIDE open. I have a couple of ideas planned for each day, but I have in no way scheduled a full morning for us. I really do believe that Daniel's main job this year is to play (especially outside), observe, ask questions (and get some answers), and be gently directed in learning. 

I do want him to recognize his letters and numbers by the end of the year, but I'm coming to believe that those things will come in time. When he's ready. And while we're doing all that playing outside, we are also practicing letter and number recognition, as well as other reading and math concepts. It really is pretty easy to sneak that stuff in if you're paying attention and recognizing opportunities.

2. As I've mentioned before, much of our day will be spent outside. A lot of the activities I've planned can be done out of doors, as well as snacks and lunch. In between the few activities I've planned, Daniel will have lots of free play outside, and when the weather cools, we'll start taking walks regularly again.

3. I want to create an environment where music and art appreciation are just happening throughout the day. My goal is to play music when we're indoors, perhaps focusing on one composer or another at different times. And I'd love to correlate artists with themes, though that will take a little extra planning. 

4. As far as Bible study, my kids are involved in Awana at one of our local churches. I LOVE Awana and can't wait for it to start up again in September. This year Daniel is old enough to get a vest and a book, so we'll be going through that book week by week to learn Bible verses and stories. My plan is to do our Awana homework in the mornings, right after breakfast (or after we drop Natalie off at her school). If you're interested in finding out more about Awana, check out their website.

Okay! I think you guys have been brought up to speed. Let me know if you have any questions, including questions about how to complete the activities. And please feel free to borrow any of my plans for your own day :)

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